Friday, June 28, 2013

The Best Friend Frame

One of the exercises in my coaching program is to bring someone to mind that you need to understand better.  Once you think of who that person is, picture them - along with you - in a picture frame that has the words "Best Friends" under it.  Imagine that this person is your best friend. 

What about this person must you accept?  Acceptance in this case is accepting that person for their humanity - not accepting or agreeing with their behaviors necessarily.  What judgments about this person do you have to let go of? 

I find that I can tend to make up stories in my mind...assumptions about people or situations.  My judgments are generally about someone's intentions...why did they do what they did/say what they said...and it can be crazy-making!  I can let these thoughts bounce around in my head until they become stories that become my truths and all of this stress that I'm creating in my own imagination could be prevented by 1.  not making assumptions in the first place (and if I can't stop that from happening) 2.  asking questions to clear things up. 

Who is in your best friend frame?  How can you start to accept them for their humanity and stop making judgments about them? 

1 comment:

  1. Get out of my head. .. lol. This is all too familiar for me! So I just figured out how to read your blog so I'm catching up... Not stalking you. Love your posts, your a great writer!
