Friday, July 5, 2013


One of the biggest challenges facing us all every day is recognizing that we have choices.  When I remind people of their ability to make choices, often the response I get is:

But actually I didn't have a choice about...
...the rain falling the entire week of my vacation
...a close relationship ending
...getting overlooked for that promotion car needing so much work

And maybe folks are right when they say they didn't have a choice about those things.  You know what they DO have a choice about?  How they respond when these things do happen.  Because folks you know what???  Life is happening all around you, and it's not all fun and games.  Sometimes you are thrown a tough blow, sometimes too many blows at once, and the choices you make about how to respond to these challenges is up to you. 

I think it would stink to have an entire week of vacation rain...but I sure do like seeing the plants on my deck looking as lush as a tropical rain forest due to the rainfall!

When close relationships end it can be devastating...and it can be a wonderful opportunity for self-reflection and growth.

Getting overlooked for a promotion at work can be a total drag...and it can be a great chance to work on your interview skills/technical skills/leadership skills so you are better positioned for the next opportunity that presents itself. 

Your car needing so much work can be inconvenient and expensive...and you can take such comfort in knowing that you have a finely tuned automobile in which to transport the people you love. 

Your choices are in how you respond to challenges, folks.  I'm not suggesting everyone adopt a "Soozie Sunshine" attitude because I don't think that's authentic or sustainable....but choosing to see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow is a very healthy and positive way to work through them. 

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