Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Darin found this image and sent it to me...when I received it I chuckled and I was actually very touched, because as much as I know he knows and appreciates this about me...I know he can't really relate to it personally too much...and that makes me extra grateful for little reminders like this:

A few weekends ago we were invited to a charity breakfast and I'll be honest, I was totally unprepared for the reality of the situation.  In theory it sounded wonderful, supporting a cause that is very important to a friend and therefore very important to us, seeing friends, eating a meal together with families we love, music, raffles, extraverted husband and older daughter were in heaven!  Me and younger daughter?  Sort of wicked totally unbelievably uncomfortable and stressed out.  Let's just say we said our hellos, ate very quickly and got out of there. 

By the time we hit the parking lot, little one was ok, she skipped to the car in fact.  Just the overstimulation of all of those different, microphones, breakfast lines, people she didn't know, everyone taller than her, noise, noise, NOISE!!!!  She didn't list any of this but I know...because, well...because I know.  (except most people were about my height)

I was a little white knuckled on the way home, it takes me a little more time to relax than little one.  I told Darin, "I'm going to have an annual Introvert Charity Breakfast...and no one is invited!!!!!  We will make breakfast and hand it to folks like take out!!!" 

Anyone want to attend?  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I can't relate AT ALL, but I love how you shared it, and it makes me remember to be more sensitive to the lovely introverts in my life.
