Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy 2014!

We are finally on the other side of weeks of festivities, including holidays and many family birthdays.  I am grateful for the friends and family that we are blessed to have in our lives to help us celebrate and make this time of year truly magical and celebratory!  Although, I have to say, all year long is truly magical and celebratory for us BECAUSE of the wonderful friends and family we are so fortunate to surround ourselves with! 

I am about to get carried away with photos...please bear with me!  This little spider monkey reminds me to play and be active and be resourceful and be strong!  I have more than one photo of this kiddo performing this activitiy, I have it from several angles because no matter where I am in the house, I love snapping a picture of Emily way up there...

This photo really melts me because I love seeing Taylor being so tender and gentle with her tiniest baby cousin, Kendall, and so mature and then I'm like...WAIT!!!!  Where's the sweaty 7 year old on the monkey bars that I first fell in love with?  Why is she so grown up?  Well she is, and it's a beautiful thing...and look how sweetly she loves her cousin... this the most classic photo of all time or what?  Two humans, both filled with childlike wonder and curiosity, casually hanging out, safe and happy to be together and just stare at is good, people...thank you to Kellyn and her Uncle Darin for reminding us to enjoy the small joys in life!

And last but not least, for sister-friend Deanna between me and her big girl, Kellyn.  Dee makes me laugh like crazy every single time I talk to her.  Every. Single. Time.  She is hysterically funny, so much fun, such a great friend, incredible mother to those two baby girls and our family has been completely blessed by her.  Awesome selfie...

The holidays can be tough, with so much running around, so many parties and highs and lows...I know every season that I already can't wait for it all to be over and then I tell myself not to wish it away!  It's Darin's favorite time of year and Emily's too, so I want to savor every celebration!  Sometimes I don't though and all I can do is be kind to myself because I'm doing the best I can...we all are, aren't we? 

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